My Story


I Discovered My Passion for Painting on My Journey of Self-Discovery.

In 2000, I embarked on a transformative inner journey with the guidance of an evolutionary spiritual teacher. This journey led me to rekindle my love for painting and embrace my creative calling.

My creations are a joyful expression of my evolution. I aim to bring vibrant, energizing beauty into the world and connect others with joy through my work.

Finding My Creative Spark.

After uncovering years of inauthenticity, I stumbled upon a precious memory from my childhood, a moment of pure happiness while painting a prop for a school play. At the young age of five, I sat on the classroom floor surrounded by craft paper and paints, savoring the feel of the wet tempera paint and the freedom to let my imagination run wild. During my teenage years, I found solace in the art room through my involvement in musicals, plays, and choir performances. However, as I grew up and was told that pursuing the arts was not a viable career option, I slowly drifted away from my creative side and followed a more conventional career path. Despite my success in climbing the corporate ladder and running my own business, I felt an emptiness inside and realized that my creative spirit was yearning to be rekindled.

The Joy of Painting is Rediscovered.

One day, I walked into an art supply store and was swept away by the smells, colors, and potential. I left with brushes, acrylic paint, and a large blank canvas and spent that evening sketching. With no attachment to an outcome, I let intuition guide me and was delighted with the results.


From that point forward, painting played a crucial role in my journey of personal growth and embracing a more simple lifestyle. I am now residing on the picturesque Hatteras Island in North Carolina, surrounded by breathtaking sunsets and the soothing sea, devoting my days to nurturing my creative passions, meditation and pursuing spiritual growth.

To me, painting is an act of love, a celebration of childlike wonder, and a tribute to the wild journey of life.

I Am Honored To Share My Journey With You!